here it does it look to you??? and how, did my fibula not snap in 2???

I'm doing my best to enjoy or make the most of my idleness, but I still find myself pulling my hair out every now and then. fortunatley, i've been moving and grooving a little more every week. Crutch time is up to a few minutes now, and I've made it through the past week without the wheelchair in the house at all. I can drive!!! no major trips, but just getting out of the house and having some freedom does wonders for the mind. Scott S made the drive to the east side last week to cripple-sit me for the day, and Clara was here for a few days last week. It was great to see her, catch up a bit and take my mind off the obvious. as for this week, its looking forward to xrays on Friday. the newest daily activity is hooking my leg up to a bunch of wires and "watching it heal" ultrasound on the bone and E-stim on the quad. HEALED!

I know its getting old, but I still gotta say THANK YOU to everyone who comments, emails, calls, visits, prays and wishes me well! I'm excited to return the support at some point.
ciao for now
Mate, i hope you get well soon. I cant even imagine how hard it must be for you. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, from the Nankervis family, and Tommy and Keally. Hope to see you soon mate, i will try and get to MI at some stage.
Just thought I would say whats up and sorry to hear about the leg. I'm a friend of Mark Hekman's and noticed the X-ray. Bummer
How many hobbled steps did you take today?
Way to stick with it. Hang on and keep thinking about it being healed up. You'll be getting out and about here...
Rough and long'll work out though, eh?
Yo homie, where'd you see that magazine with my ugly mug featured on the cover? I'm intregued. Keep healing. Drink milk.
I broke my femur 9 months ago while biking and was 5 weeks on the couch, 18 on crutches no weight bearing on bum leg, then 5 more with a cane (ick). The good news: you will get better. There is no possible way not to improve every day just a little bit without any effort at all. With minimal effort you will get better faster than you would possibly imagine. Because you were fit when it happened and have the drive to be fit again, when you are ready and able to put the effort in you will not believe how fast it will go. Hang in there.
Heard you were hung up.. Had to read it in the news first of course.. I am sure everything will heal up and you will be going soon..
Your cousin Krista in D.C.
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