Saturday, April 28, 2007

"that's a bummer"

Almost a week since I made it back home. Really good to have the trip overwith, and also nice to be home around a supper supportive set of family and friends, but I still can't get away from the fact that my leg is busted up in a big way.

Not much going on here. This week has been spent figuring out how to navigate our house on crutches or in a wheelchair. Sick amounts of tv and internet, along with some healthier reading and even a few visits from the local support team. Each day by itself doesn't seem to go by too slow, but when I think about a week or a month as a whole, it starts to look like a rougher go. The order of the day and this entire process seems to be just staying positive, which i'm finding is tougher and tougher. I never realized how mentally and physically dependant I was on "going, moving, rockin, ripping and riding around". Still, everyone that I've talked to who has been through similair says the mental approach is key and I have to do whatever it takes to stay positive and not dwell on the brokeness.

The latest and not greatest news came yesterday when I saw the orthopedic doc here for the first time. He took new xrays and took a good stare at them, "hmmmmmm". Then procedes to tell me he's not especially psyched with how the Belgian surgeon put me back together. It sounds like the bone is aligned nicely and it looks ok now, but he's worried about the structural integrity of the hardware he installed and how my healing bones will respond to it. So what does that mean??? Good question!! CT scan next week to take a closer look, but this guy said he couldn't rule out the possibility of having to Redo everything and start from scractch. BAM!! Its mind bending to think about having to start over now, but I suppose we have to see what this next test says. Eitherway, I have to work out a second opinion. These docs just blow my mind sometimes.

I would have uploaded a few pics, but I figured me laying on the couch, or a picture of my computer wasn't exactly blog material. Maybe this week I'll be able to get out a bit more and find some blog fuel.

Thanks to everyone who continues to comment, email, write, call, pray and send their best!!! You are all keeping me kickin! (with one leg at least).


Anonymous said...


Sorry to hear about everything that is going on. We know it is hard, but keep your head up. You CAN come back stronger!!!!! Good luck, work hard, and get better soon.

Rigby and Lauren

Chris "C2" Perham said...

Yo bro, definitely get like a third or fourth opinion before having another major surgery like that. I am glad to hear you are staying positive. I know how tough that is first hand.

Nick Waite said...

Thinkin' about ya, brother. We all missed you at the TOV this past week.

Anonymous said...

who reads your blog in India??? WTF??


Scott said...



Andrew Talansky said...

Hey Brent, you met me quickly in Bahamas (Todd Hancock introduced us) so I figured I'd drop you a line when I heard about your fall. I crashed about 7 weeks ago and broke/dislocated my thumb pretty badly (I had pins put in and got stuck in a cast which I just got off a few days ago). Just try to stay positive even though it can be tough, some days are better than others, and find a doctor who understands what you do on the bike and who you feel comfortable with. Good luck... oh and I enjoy reading your blog, it's pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

Dear Brent,

I used to work with your father in Grand Rapids.
I heard that you had an accident and started to follow your blog. I hope and believe you will recover very soon and continue your carrier with great success...

Korhan Keten from Ankara, Turkey

iamTedKing said...

My recommendation is seeing a good sports med doc. Not just a general orthopaedist. They often really understand the demands of an athlete. All the best my man.

Anonymous said...

Hey Brent,

Sorry to hear about the whole situation you're in. I admire your positive outlook on things though. That's really going to help you get through it and back into the swing of things. Heal up fast.

-alex boyd

Tdub said...

Brent hope it all works out for you. Just stay positive it will all workout in the end.

Troy W

John Murphy said...

You da man Brent!
don't forget that and give me a buzz while your bored. You know I know how it goes.

Kevin Holldber said...

I’ve been following your news since it all happened and have definitely been praying for you. At our home race a few weeks ago, I wish you could have been there to see the crit. The last LMC crit you dominated the stage like always, so this one is for you: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 7th. You have been an inspiration to me in the past and you still continue to be one.

Jasper said...

What up Brent,

Just wanted to drop you a note and let you know Dorothy and I are thinking about you. I know it has to suck just waiting to heal, but just think of it as banking watts for the future. Speedy recovery bro!

Jed and Dorothy

Anonymous said...

brent, stay focused and positive, before you know it you will be back on the bike and winning again. my prayers are with you. breezers mom said...

I was afraid of you getting this kind of news from a US ortho doc. I apologize for not contacting you since we last chatted. Me and the CU boys are already here in Kansas getting ready for the weekend of races. I will call you shortly on the number you gave me last fall. If that doesn't work I'll message you on IM. Don't look past today. Focus on getting better one day at a time, one little battle won at a time, and soon you'll gain the momentum you seek. Patience. Talk soon...Tim

Anonymous said...

Yo dude,

Whatever you need, you better not hesitate to ask!

