I recently noticed my pagecounter hit "1000"!!!!! so thanks to everyone who checks in on my happenings. i realize most of the page views are from
clara or myself; but i'm glad there are a few others out there who enjoy "keepin it real" as a healthy distraction. lots of the usual going down in banner elk. winter has delivered a swift roundhouse kick to our faces the past few days. full on snow, wind and chilly temps. this past Sunday, Clara, Scott and Myself ventured out of the mountains to the Winstom-Salem area where it was sunny and about 20 deg. warmer than B.e. it turned into an awesome day, we ran into my team director, Mark Olsen and his Wife Sheryl who just happened to be down in NC for a couple weeks of MI winter relieft. Totally crazy to run into them, but it worked out great and was way nice to catch up with them. Today I had to drive a bit to ride once again, this time a solo trip to johnson city, TN. The typical "don't know where i'm going" ride but it was sunny 5 hrs. with dry roads so i'm a happy camper :) Have you seen the new
E-caps catalog?? I think there are a couple different versions of the cover, but here is the "best" looking one......
It's ME!

thanks to the guys at E-caps/hammar nutrtion. if any of you ever need any vitamins or supplements, check em out and say i reffered you, they'll give you a nice 15% off!
jesse saw the catalog and is already practicing for their 2007 edition. any form tips for him????
I love your movies.
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