Friday, June 09, 2006

and another one

a quick update to report some not so good news.

i crashed again. last lap. glen pulls an amazing effort and brings me and robbie in the top 10 wheels coming into the final and crucial climb with only maybe 2 miles to go. then BAM! someone sprints up my right side, hooking the back of my handelbars and sending me into a disco spin. game over. not cool. one of these days it will come together though.

heading to philly tomorrow. wish i was there today. wish me luck and no crashing. comments are fun too.

ciao for now.



Scott said...

stop crashing...use your mtb skills

Huck said...

keep the head up brentmeister, kick arse at Beauce...

Clara said...

I miss you already...I have a lot of displaced energy because we aren't together, so i'm updating my blog :)


Brent Bookwalter said...

thanks for the cheering and support guys. keep it coming. i'll shoot for a full update soon!!