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Sunday, December 21, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
For Ed, Scott and the dudes at Bell's MTB

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
If I gotta choose a coast...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
get a grip
Good times as of late. pics tell the story best....

Saturday, May 17, 2008
And another one
alien to lock up the k.o.m. Jersey as long as he finishes tomorrow.
Fighting almost all day in the pack. Not to the death, but enough to
keep it stressful. We got franced on for an hour or so. Danillo
flatted with 15 km to go so I gave him my wheel. Good to work on that
caravan riding stuff. Double day tomorrow. I've never been a fan of
two road races in one day. You tell these dudes they only have to ride
for 100km at a time and its pretty wacky how fast they can go.
Tonight's hotel is a hit so far. Our rooms are big enough for me to
completley open my suitcase!!
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Friday, May 16, 2008
Do you like baseball johny??
but have been playing more t-ball than hardball this season. Its
coming along though
Tour of picardie. Not my favorite part of france. Plenty of meat
wagons laying down the power here. Covered over 100 km in the first 2
hrs of racing.
Crashing sucks. Crashing because you hit a teamate who has also just
crashed is double whammy. I think I'm fine though. Guess that's what I
get for trying to help the boys mix it up in the sprint. Sketchy. Knee
is a little sore but other than that, just touched up the road rash
from romandie. Just building character, right?
Looking forward to the mitten next week. Check out...
Overcooked pasta. Mmhhhmmm
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Saturday, May 10, 2008
up to the date
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Yea, really
Last year at this time I was on my back dreaming of racing again so
I'm doing my best to soak it up and make the most of the leg crushing
that's being dished out. A brief recap so far...
Progue: a whoppin 2km and I think the shortest race I've ever done. It
still hurt a plenty but was good for opening the legs and getting
easing into the racing from all the pre race hype.
Stage 1: ouch and brrrrrrr. Rain off and on all day and temps
dropping to near freezing at one point in the stage. I learned right
away that there are few flat roads in swiss land, felt like we were
goin up or down all day. But mostly up. Carried a few 30 lb. Rain
soaked jackets for the big dogs on the team and did what I could to
help. Limped in with the grupetto.
Stage 2: super ouch. A bit more flattish meaning we were only
climbing for 5 or 10 km at a time. Went alright until abou 60 km to go
when the pace started to pick up. I got tangled in a wreck and did my
first real pavement surfing of the year. Chased my brains out in the
caravan for about 20km but never could latch onto the pack. Went into
tt mode to make the time cut and finished 13 min. Down shatered.
Luckily the body seems to check out ok so far. Soreness and scrapes.
Props to ian for making the early break and scoring the team some tv
About halfway through but the hardest is still to come. Ill be
accepting donations in the form of leg power for the rest of the week
so send it on over.
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Thursday, April 24, 2008
Have I quit blogging??
As usual, no news is good news and I am now on my way to switzerland
for my first dose of euro racing in over a year. Made it through my
first few races back while spending the month of march in cali. There
are still plans for logging a few pics and maybe even a detail here or
there. I'm sure the racing life will allow time for that!!
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
been a looong time...

Headed to Indianapolis to take part in the rockin wedding of Jake the Snake.

Made it back to NC just in time to celebrate Mr. Sheedy's /the roomates bday. He got a singing reindeer and won't stop raving about the thing that it does with its tail.

Not too shabby of a place to be once the colors start changing

boo ya

made a trip back to the mitten. Was actually kinda stoke for my first road trip since my crash, but the novelty wore off about an hour in.

celebrated a bday with my bro taylor. yea, he's 17 and rockin a sweet stash.

Even grandma made it back to kick it. Wow, it feel s good to be standing on two feet!!!

Carved a couple Pumpkins with Jamie. Mine is the tough looking one. you know, because I'm... ok, whatever. Sheedy didn't have a pumpkin so we set up a golf ball and candle for him. At least it was round, right?

Did I really train here a few years ago???

Then out to Cali for a way overdue week of hanging with former roomate, current teamate and first rate homie Taylor T.

Diggin the west side.

Finally the long awaited kickoff to the '08 season with Team BMC at training camp. We look good eh?

Black is the new white

fortunately, i think my tt setup will be a bit faster than Taylor's.
That's all for now. more to come if there are still people reading it???