Tuesday, March 14, 2006


WHOO HOOO! yesterday was the first day of my spring break and wow has it been crazy! 10 or so hours of sleep a night and a nap thrown in for good measure was wild way to start it. when you add a couple hours of riding and a crazy salad for dinner i begin to think i maybe have to control myself for the next few days.

another spring break made up of bike racing, but thats fine by me when its with a great team at some hard races. i could go for a bit of better weather. today was dreadful. we had planned to hit the mountains for a good group session but instead opted for the nearby flatlands since it was windy and rainy. i gotta say it was maybe the lamest ride i've done in a while. straight roads, lots of wind. yuck! the only thing that made it bearable was some solid guys to ride with and Frank driving the van behind us to give us bottles and a fresh set of gloves for the way back. thanks Frank!

still no pictures. i know i'm slacking. i'm begginning to aquire a couple good ones but can't seem to remember my camera when i finally find a place where my computer will pick up a wireless signal. keep checking back and a promise some solid ones sometime before eternity.

tomorrow we're leaving merced, CA which is fine by me. this place is kinda lame. down to san dimas we go. i can't say i'm psyched about the drive but at least i won't be the one behind the wheel getting lost per usual.

i hear our new team site should be at least partially up soon, so keep looking for that. i better start practicing how i will style my hair for some team pictures!

ta ta

1 comment:

Clara said...

hey, you slacker!! Richard has pics up of the van and everything on his blog! The bikes are very attractive. but not as attractive as yoooooooooou :)