To all my 5 loyal fans, sorry for the delay in an update. I'm back in NC, the B.E. and its pretty rad to be back. picked up my lovely lady at the airport, did some catching up with the roomate and even hung with the "Classic" a bit who just recently returned from exotic plaes across the world. also saw the dave "money shot" flynn and rode with Stu "bagel" Lamp. riding has been dope. i've logged some solid miles the past couple days. thanks to my new friend the sun, i'm pretty sure i'm no longer vitamin D deficient. thanks sun! my bags have vommitted all over my room so that needs to be taken care of. BIG NEWS. our collegiate coach is enrolling in classes and will also be racing with us this semester. i hope usacycling lifted that no pirate rule. classes start tomorrow. boooooooo.

this is the only pic that i can access on my computer. its so sick (the bad kinda sick. ill) that i can't even download pics or access old ones. i'm takin her to the doc tomorrow.
jesse thinks he's a rapper
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